Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dogs Training Series Common Questions About Heart Worm

Heart worm is a serious and devastating condition that can be treated, but it can also kill. It is just as it sounds. A worm invades the heart and multiplies. The heart becomes the breeding ground and also a source of food for the worms.

How is heart worm acquired?

Mosquitoes are the main transmitter of this disease as they carry the early stages of the larvae. When mosquitoes inject a dog, they expel a chemical that triggers bleeding. Within that chemical is the heart worm larvae. Heart worms grow to between 17 and 27 centimetres in length.

What are the signs my dog might have heart worm?

Affected dogs will show signs of breathing difficulty and include coughing, panting and dullness.

How is heart worm treated?

The best approach to heart worm is prevention. There are drugs available that your vet can prescribe. Ivermectin is a common prescription. Often, the vet will do a blood test to ensure your dog does not have heart worm before beginning treatment. The medication comes in a chewable form that dogs generally take easily. It can also be given by injection.

Treatment should be continued one month before the mosquito season and up to two months after the mosquito season ends to combat any transmission that might already have taken place.

Once your dog has heart worm, it requires immediate treatment if recovery is to be expected. If the condition goes on too long, severe and life-threatening damage to the heart will occur. Until recently, there was no cure for this illness and any dog affected died a horrible death.

Which dogs are at risk?

Heart worm occurs throughout the world where mosquitoes breed. It affects wildlife as well as domesticated animals but it is not transmittable from one animal to another. Fortunately, the disease is less prominent during cold seasons when mosquitoes die off. The disease will remain dormant until the next warm season and mosquito breeding restarts.

What can I do?

Apart from putting your dog on heart worm medication each season, you can take steps around your house to help stop the disease. Because mosquitoes breed in any standing water, you can help prevent your dog acquiring the condition by making sure any standing water is removed immediately. It doesn't take much water. A few tablespoons is sufficient as a breeding ground.

Make sure your eaves troughs drain properly. Empty water from pots and planters after rainfalls. If you have a decorative pond in your garden, treat it regularly (about every few days) with specially formulated chlorine to deter mosquitoes. Change the water frequently. Fill any holes on your property that hold water.

Spraying with an insecticide is not recommended for a number of reasons. 1) You also kill off good bugs that help to keep mosquitoes under control, 2) You endanger your own pets and 3) Spraying is a short-lived solution as it loses its strength within a few hours. If you have a bad mosquito population in a log pile or other moist area, spraying occasionally when you see clouds of mosquitoes is a good idea.

Consider using mosquito repellent in your garden. They come in various forms including lamp oil and candles. Citronella plant is a natural mosquito deterrent. You can buy them from your local garden nursery and place them around your yard. They do not survive cold climates, however, so you will need to replace them every year.
For more great tips and resources to help you train your dog, or puppy, visit Dogs Training Tips at .

Dogs Training Series Bathing A Dog Can Be Fun and Beneficial

We tend to think one of two ways about bathing a dog. Some people think dogs don't need to be bathed more than once a year or so, while others believe in bathing their dog every month.

While bathing is beneficial, it can cause problems if it is done too frequently.

Dogs have natural oils in their skin and fur, just like humans do. Washing too often will cause drying, leaving your dog at risk of scratching and developing sores. Keep in mind that there are some benefits to having natural oils present. For one, they provide protection from skin bacteria.

Make bathing a dog fun for you and your pet, but take care. There are certain things you must watch.

1. Protect your dog's ears. If water and soap enter the ear canal, an infection can develop. This can be temporary but it can also cause serious damage. Infections can harm the ear drum and lead to deafness. There are familiar signs that your dog might have an ear infection. He will shake his head and you will see a constant discharge from the ears.

To ensure this doesn't happen, gently plug your dog's ears with cotton balls. Do not force them into the ear canal. Simply place them securely at the ear entrance to block water from entering. When the bath is over, be sure to dry the inside of the ears as some moisture is likely to gain access. Use a cloth over your finger. If you choose to use a cotton swab, be extremely careful not to enter too deeply into the canal or you could puncture the ear drum.

2. Use a proper dog shampoo as they are formulated specifically to protect your dog's skin and fur. Human soaps can be too harsh and irritating. As well, there is the chance your dog will be allergic to the scents that are added to human products.

3. Frequency of bathing will depend on your particular dog's breed. Longer haired dogs will require more frequent washing than short haired breeds. If you have a Spaniel or other hairy dog, schedule the baths to once every two months. Other breeds can go 6-8 months. However, if your dog spends a lot of time outside, he is likely to become dirty faster. Regulate your baths accordingly.

It's important to start your dog off right with the bathing routine. Be patient and compassionate. Once you scare your dog, it will be more difficult bathing him in the future. Try to make it fun. Dogs love having water sprinkled on them, and running into rivers and lakes.

Set up your bath outside when possible and encourage him to run through it. Use a toy to distract him from the water. When his energy has subsided, begin the bath. You might want to put him on a leash so he can't run away.

Be sure to collect all the equipment first: soap, conditioner, towel and some sort of bowl to pour water over him. Water running out of the hose might be too cold, however water in the bath will have warmed to a comfortable temperature.

Show your dog that bathing is something to enjoy and he will look forward to your next session with excitement.
For more great tips and resources to help you train your dog, or puppy, visit Dogs Training Tips at .